Shereen Collins


Shereen attended the University of Florida and graduated with a Degree in Psychology in 1996.

Shereen’s experience includes 10 years at LA fitness, 8 years at Gold’s gym and 3 years at Jupiter Fitness, where she successfully led group fitness classes in step aerobics, kickboxing, dancing, water aerobics, boot-camp, and cycling.  

Shereen specializes in working with clients at all fitness levels.  Her goal is to create a training environment that not only motivates, but empowers clients to continually challenge themselves in a fun and rewarding way.

Shereen is a member of AFFA.  She is certified with Johnny G. Spinning, Keiser Cycling, Beach-body PIYO and Les Mills Sprint.

Shereen is from the beautiful island of Jamaica and she absolutely loves dancing and taking long walks on the beach.   Her passion for fitness led her to compete in the Gina Otarly figure competition.